Category: Wild Foods

Wild Foods are the lesser known foods from different regions along with their nutritional content, usage and culinary uses.

Wild Foods

Water Spinach/Nali Bhaji and its amazing benefits

water spinach

Unlike its name, Nali Bhaji/Water Spinach does not belong to or is related to the spinach family. Water spinach is a semi-aquatic perennial plant that proliferates in moist/ damp soil mainly around waterbodies/ditches etc and belongs to the Convolvulaceae (Morning Glory) family. It is Native to Asia and thus is easily available in India, Nepal, …

Wild Foods

Unlocking the power of Ambadi/ Gongura and what makes it so unique.


Ambadi or Gongura is one of the popular local greens in certain cuisines. I first learned about it from a local vendor who asked me to taste these deliciously intriguing sour greens but I learned more about the usage of gongura from my Bengali friends. Gongura is widely used in the Northeast and Andhra Cuisine.

Wild Foods

Phodshi – A lesser-known healthy & unique Ranbhaji


While doing my grocery shopping yesterday, I saw a lady selling something that looked like grass and other vegetables. I got curious and walked up to her to inquire about it. She mentioned that there is a ran bhaji called Phodshi that is only available during the rains and hence is called Devkrupa bhaji because …