Tag: Seasonal vegetables

Revel in the delights of seasonal vegetables which are packed with nutrients and bursting with flavors.

Ingredients, Main Course Meals, Vegetables

Takla or Cassia Tora: Availability, Nutrition, and Usage.


Cassia Tora aka Takla pronounced as टाकळयाची भाजी is a leafy vegetable that is specifically available during monsoons. It is a ran bhaji aka wild food and is found in many regions of India eg. Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, etc.

Ingredients, Main Course Meals, Vegetables

All about the Dragon Stalk Yam (Shevala/Shevla)

With the first few showers of rain, you get a variety of interesting leafy vegetables which are available just for a short time. One such vegetable is Dragon Stalk Yam which is mainly available just before the monsoons begin. Though you do get it during the rains too though the ones you get just before …