Category: Ingredients

Compilation of all wild, local, seasonal and exotic ingredients along with their nutritional values, culinary usage and recipes/


All about Amazing Asparagus: Types, Nutrition, and Usage.


Asparagus… Finally, I got my hands on this amazing ingredient. I had always seen it on screen (mainly in Western cookery shows) or read in books. I knew how it felt, tasted, and looked from all the descriptions I had but that doesn’t really justify it, does it? There is something about looking, feeling, tasting, …

Ingredients, Superfoods

All about Flaxseeds: Its benefits, storage, and usage.


Flaxseed has been consumed for many many years and is one of the oldest crops cultivated. Commonly known as linseeds, flaxseeds are mainly used as oil seeds. But do you know that these tiny brown seeds are a powerhouse of nutrients with many health benefits? In fact, they are even heart-friendly and have been shown …