Ingredients, Fruits

Are Indian Jujube and Ber the same?


Indian green Jujube is a walnut-size fruit with a lemon yellow-light green peel that gradually turns maroonish-brown.

About Indian Jujube :

Indian Jujube

They are around 2-2.5 inches long. The peel is thin, crisp, and glossy. The inner fruit pulp is white, firm, and airy which becomes mealy when it turns ripe. The fruit has a central seed.

Indian jujube has a subtly sweet taste and can be tangy or sour similar to a green apple.

There are many varieties of Jujubes. They vary in size, shape, and taste. There are almost around 300 varieties in the world and around 90 in India itself. Many of these varieties including the Indian jujube are called Ber/Bor in the local language.

Scientific Name:

Zizyphus mauritiana

Other Names:

Indian Plum (English), Ber ( Hindi ), Bora ( Marathi ), Kul, Chinese apple


Even though Indian Jujube originated in South Asia and they are available in India, China, the Middle East, and a few other places.

They are mainly available during winter.

Nutritional Content:

This fruit is low in calories and a rich source of Carbohydrates and dietary fibre. It also is a rich source of Vitamin A, C, and B complexes. They are also a good source of copper, zinc, iron, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, and calcium. This fruit is also loaded with antioxidants.

Culinary Use:
  • Consume it fresh or dried.
  • Pickles, Jam, jellies etc

Jujubes also have great value in Chinese medicine.



Author: Aditi Prabhu



  1. Thank you for your article. Is this fruit the same as in Masala Bor that I can buy packaged at the Indian grocery store?

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