Ingredients, Vegetables

Kantola / Spine gourd and its benefits


Kantola / spine gourd, the small spiny vegetable is one of the lesser-known members of the gourd family which is available for a very short duration throughout the year.

Scientific Name:

Momordica dioica

0ther names:

Teasel gourd (English), Karkotaki (Sanskrit), Kantholi/Kartoli (Marathi), Kantola (Hindi), Bara karela ( Rajasthani, Bhat Korola/ kakrol (Bengali)

Appearance, texture, and taste.

Kantola / Spine gourd
Kantola / Spine gourd

Kantola / Spine gourd comes from the gourd family. It looks like a mini bitter gourd but isn’t bitter.

It comes in 2 sizes- larger golf bowl size ones and small ones which were about the size of a lemon i.e. around 2-4 cm in length. Each of these has a slightly different taste profile. The smaller ones happen to be more flavourful than the larger ones.

They have a spiny surface. The colour is usually green, shades change to greenish yellow or yellow as it ripens. It has a distinct taste of its own.


Kantoli/Spine gourd though not a native of India is grown in many different parts of India. It is mainly available during the late summer to monsoons.

Purchasing and storing:

Preferably buy green but even the greenish-yellow ones can be used.

They can easily be stored in the fridge for over a week.

How to clean a Kantola?

  • Wash the surface clean.
  • Remove the stem.
  • Cut into slices, pieces, or rings.
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Kantola / Spine gourd

 Nutrition facts:

Kantolas have carbohydrates, proteins, fat, fibre, and nutrients like vitamin C, some B vitamins, phytonutrients, flavonoids, and antioxidants.

They also are low in calories, and great for the gut and overall health. They also improve vision and help regulate blood sugars

Culinary Uses: 

Kantola / Spine gourd
Kantola / Spine gourd pakoda

Though there are many dishes one can make using Kantola. Some of the dishes known to me include:

  • Pakodas
  • Stuffed spine gourd
  • Gravy
  • Dry vegetable.

Also, read about the other lesser-known vegetables which are locally grown on the blog – Phodshi, Takla, Ramkand,  Dragon Stalk yam, and  Carambola. 



Author: Aditi Prabhu



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