I somehow have always loved Curd Rice. There is something about that dish that brings intense satisfaction and a homely feeling. It is a simple dish made with rice, curds, and seasoning. Having said that, it is not something I indulge in regularly and that is one thing that makes it more special.

Oats on the other hand are an ingredient that I tend to use regularly and love to experiment with. So here is today’s dish – Curd Oats.

There are multiple ways you can make it. I love my Curd Oats in a particular way. Go ahead and experiment and let me know which technique you loved. If you know of any other method, share it with me and I will try it out.

Curd Oats Recipe

Serves: 1

Rolled Oats: 2-3 tbsps

Curds: 150-200gms thick curds (preferably homemade and made from skimmed milk)

Curry leaves: 3-4

Cumin: ½ tsp

Asafoetida/Hing: a pinch

Green chili: 1-2

Salt: As per taste

Coriander: finely chopped

Oil: 1 tsp

*Vegetable: Optional (I haven’t used any in my recipe but in case you want too. Add in carrots, peas, beans and you are good to go)

Procedure 1
  • Heat water in a vessel. Add in the oats and let them cook. Let it cool.
  • Once cooled, add in curds.
  • In a wok, heat oil. Add in the cumin and let it crackle. Then add in the asafoetida, green chilies and lightly crushed curry leaves.  (If you plan to add in the veggies and like them cooked you can add them in and saute or you can directly mix it into the curd and oats)
  • Pour the seasoning over the oats.
  • Serve the curd oats with garnish like coriander, pomegranate etc.
Procedure 2

(My favorite technique since it leaves the oats slightly crunchy)

  • Lightly roast the oats. Let them cool.
  • Beat the curds till it forms a smooth paste and gently mix in the oats and add salt as per taste. Leave it for soaking for 10-15 mins.
  • Heat oil. Add in the cumin and let it crackle. Then add in the asafoetida, green chilies, lightly crushed curry leaves. ( If you plan to add in the veggies and like them cooked you can add them in and saute or you can directly mix it into the curd and oats)
  • Add in the seasoning into the oats. Garnish with coriander and serve.
  • If you like it hot or warm, once the seasoning is done add the curd and oats mixture into it and switch of the gas. Serve warm.
Aditi Prabhu


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