
Tadgola or Ice apples-A Natural Summer Coolant


Tadgola is a summer fruit that is delicious with a melt-in mouthfeel that will help you beat the summer heat.


Other names:

Ice apple (English),  Tadolga ( Hindi/Marathi),  Nungu (Tamil)


Tadgola is easily available in the western coastal zone of Maharastra. It grows on the Palm tree in clusters and each individual brown fruit has several tadgolas in it.

These fruits are soft, white, or translucent and almost melt in the mouth.

Nutritional Benefits:

Apart from being great thirst quenchers and coolants which help to prevent dehydration. These Tadgolas are rich sources of sodium, potassium, and calcium and also have zinc to a certain extent. They have a great balance of micro-nutrients which helps to maintain the electrolyte balance of the body on consumption.

Purchasing of Tadgolas:

For the newbies, while purchasing these beauties make sure they are soft and watery to the touch. Ideally best purchased first thing in the morning. Avoid purchases in the scorching heat or late noons as these tend to get slightly sour and fermented soon.

About Neera:

One other interesting piece of information, the sap from this tree is known as “Neera” which is a sweet beverage rich in nutrients. Best consumed fresh. Easily available in Mumbai and many other places. But these beverages is high in calories so Weight Watchers need to be careful also those with irregular blood sugars. Also, this liquid, when fermented is converted into local liquor, called toddy which down south is used to make those extra soft idlis and as local alcohol. Toddy has a distinct flavour and the taste varies as per the level of fermentation.

Author: Aditi Prabhu


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